Submitting the Technician and Sales Rep to Alarm.com When Registering the Cell

  • Completed

Jesse Chacon

In the integration with alarm.com on fill quick site can the installer rep and sale rep fields be added as fields to be transferred over to alarm.com. The installer field is used within alarm.com to run reports on the technicians stats along with sales rep and the other fields that aren't currently available on Fill Quick on alarm.com's website.
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Bassem Naguib

Merged with: Alarm.com Multiple User Integration


Mike Thompson

We would love to have the ability to have multiple alarm.com profiles and tie those to specific FQ profiles. For example tech_login for FQ would automatically have a unique log in for alarm.com. This would allow better tracking and reporting on alarm.com in regards to best practices, On-site wrap up, and completion percentages by technician. This will help us to ensure that steps such as customer app set up, geo fencing, and other items are being set up for the customers.


Bassem Naguib

Status changed to: Completed


Bassem Naguib

You can now specify the Alarm.com login names for your sales reps and technicians on FillQuick from
Users > List > User Name > Alarm.com
And when you register the Alarm.com cell, the login names of the first sales rep and the installer technician (if specified) will be submitted to Alarm.com and the Alarm.com account will be linked to these reps.

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Bassem Naguib

Status changed to: In progress


Bassem Naguib

Hello Jesse. Our development team started working on this feature. Unless we face any unexpected road blocks, it should be deployed very soon.


jesse chacon

any updates on this?


Jesse Chacon

Here is additional information that may be useful to implement from alarm.com Thank you


Bassem Naguib

Status changed to: Suggested


Bassem Naguib

Thank you, Jesse, for your suggestion!

These technician and sales rep fields were added relatively recently to Alarm.com and we were not aware of them. So thank you for bringing this to our attention!

I will ask our development team to look into submitting this information to Alarm.com. And hopefully this is something we will be able to add to FillQuick in the future.


jesse chacon

any updates on this?


Bassem Naguib

Thank you so much, Mike, for your suggestion!

I understand the need to associate the FillQuick user to the Alarm.com user and what benefits this will bring.

But my concern is that dealers will have to do additional configuration to specify the Alarm.com login credentials for each of their technicians. Also many dealers have separate Alarm.com accounts for each of the monitoring companies they use. So these dealers will have to enter multiple login credentials for each of their technicians.

It will probably make more sense for us to look into what kind of reports Alarm.com is giving. And their quality assurance checklist functionality and try to copy that to FillQuick.

But of course we are open to customer suggestions. So everybody is welcome to leave a comment here if they need the same feature.


Michael Thompson

Our needs are met now that the sales rep and technician information is being sent to ADC when the account is created. Thank you!